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Non-contact infrared measurement of surface temperature

BAPPU-IRevo was developed for fast, non-contact measurement of surfaces as a supplementary sensor for the BAPPUevo. Easily record the surface temperature of walls, floors and ceilings, live or moving parts.

BAPPU-IRevo ideally supplements the climate measurements at the workplace, because the surface temperature measurements can be used to record energetically unfavorable radiating surfaces. For example, the temperatures of poorly insulated external walls, which have a negative impact on comfort, can be measured. Measurements of the overall climate can also be examined more closely by including temperature measurements from radiating surfaces in the workplace analysis for comfort.

In addition, BAPPU-IR can be used to detect surfaces whose temperatures are below the dew point and are therefore susceptible to mold growth.

With infrared measurement (IR measurement), the temperature is measured at a distance on surfaces without contact. IR measurement is therefore ideal for measuring wall, floor and ceiling temperatures, as well as for moving or live parts.

Technische Details: l = 115 mm, cs = 12 mm, w = 14,5 gr.

Technical data

  • Measurand: surface temperature

  • Sensor: IR-Sensor

  • Material: Polyamid

  • l=115 mm, cs=12 mm, w=14,5 gr.

  • Measurement Range

  • 0...50 °C

  • -20...75 °C

  • Tolerance

  • +/- 1 °C

  • +/- 1,5 °C

  • Resolution

  • 0,1 °C

  • 0,1 °C

Technical data subject to change


  • Precisely proven measurement technology
  • fast, non-contact measurement
  • Measure from a distance
  • Complements the climate measurements
  • Compatibel with BAPPUevo

BAPPU is a product by

ELK - Gesellschaft für Erstellung, Layout und Konzeption elektronischer Systeme mbH


  • +49 2151 78886-0

  • +49 2151 78886-02

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Tüv Nord Siegel